The Gateway Golf Tournament offers an exclusive opportunity to its sponsors for a one-o-one prospect with close to 80 to 100 key people representing Indian and the International maritime fraternity. The tournament will see 80 to 100 invited golfers representing the Government, Shipping Lines, Ports, LSP’s and the User community. The IMW Advisory Council, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors will join the golfers in the evening for the prize distribution event over cocktail & dinner.
Presenting Sponsorship nomenclature to read as: “Sponsor Logo” Presents “Gateway Golf Tournament 2014”
- Ten Special Invitees to the Gateway Golf Tournament and its social event
- Presenting Sponsor branding on backdrop for welcome, registration
- Exclusive Branding on Four Pin Flags, Two Double Sided and Two Single Sided Runners
- Exclusive branding on relevant print & online promotional material, including event website
- Opportunity to nominate a senior management member to present the winner’s trophy
- Four delegate registrations for the IMW 2014, including invite to welcome dinner
- Post-event coverage to include an interview of your senior key management member
- Two full page color advertisements and one page profile in the IMW 2014 event programme guide.
- Four full page color advertisements in Maritime Gateway magazine
- Corporate literature (max one 4-page brochure) to be included in the Golfers Kit
- Special acknowledgment at prize distribution ceremony.
Company logo, profile and key contact details on the post event digital proceedings of IMW 2014.
Presenting Sponsor will be offered the opportunity to manage customised brand proliferation activities at the tournament venue on the event day. Activities will be discussed and accorded at the sole discretion of the Organisers
- Associate Sponsorship nomenclature to read as: “Presenting Sponsor Logo” Presents Gateway Golf Tournament 2014” in Association with (Associate Sponsor Logos)
- Four Special Invitees to the Gateway Golf Tournament and its social event
- Associate Sponsor branding on backdrop for welcome, registration
- Logo on One Double Sided and One Single Sided Runner
- Logo on relevant print & online promotional material, including event website
- Two delegate registrations for the IMW 2014, including invite to welcome dinner
- One full page color advertisement and a short profile in the IMW 2014 event programme guide.
- Two Full-page color advertisements in Maritime Gateway magazine
- Corporate literature (max one 4-page brochure) to be included in the Golfers Kit
- Acknowledgment at prize distribution ceremony.
- Company logo, profile and key contact details on the post event digital proceedings of IMW 2014.
- Your Logo Branding on Goodie bag contents; T-Shirts, Caps and Towels only
- Two Special Invitees to the Gateway Golf Tournament and its social event
- Logo on relevant print & online promotional material, including event website
- Logo on One Single Sided Runner
- Logo branding on backdrop for welcome, registration
- Two delegate registrations for the IMW 2014, including invites to welcome dinner.
- One full page color advertisement and a short profile in the IMW 2014 event programme guide.
- One Full-page color advertisement in Maritime Gateway magazine
- Acknowledgment at prize distribution ceremony.
- Company logo, profile and key contact details on the post event digital proceedings of IMW 2014